horrible person

Anyone who indulges in a number of malicious or ill-intentioned schemes or deceit in order to slander or cause harm to someone else. This includes, but is not limited to: sharing deep personal secrets about others, manipulating others to do your bidding and then discarding of them when they are no longer of use, lying compulsively to take advanatge of someone's emotions, ridicule or blackmailing to the point where the victim goes into seclusion, and just generally being a hate-filled being with a desire to screw over anyone for the sake of it. These people tend to have some sort of mental defect such as sociopathy or narcissism, though this is definitely not the rule.
On this page, you will find 30 slang terms related to horrible person. Some of the top words include: Velox, jader, Mechelynn, handpatty, shit stirrer, and 25 more.